Thursday, September 11, 2008

Lipstick on a Pig?

This "lipstick on a pig" dust up is just about the dumbest thing EVER. It's a colloquialism, a simile, a saying and has nothing to do with Sarah Palin. NOTHING! Former Massachusetts Acting Governor Jane Swift's demanding that Barack Obama apologize for his "lipstick on a pig" reference only shows her utter and complete ignorance of the English language.

The media has as much to do with my current politically-induced acid indigestion as the politicos, tho. Granted, the networks and newspapers have ads to sell. I'm of the opinion that most media is lieberal-leaning, but how long can you beat the pregnancy and experience drum?

could just be that i happened to be in the hospital the day the bristol palin pregnancy story broke and it was all i heard for 24 hours. And BTW, it's not a scandal people - this is a young woman's life we're talking about.

Neither CNN or FOX is unbiased. CNN asked leading questions about what a bad parent palin must be, how this totally flew in the face of abstinence education and family values. Fox asked questions about how this would bring the Palin family together, what a great mother Palin was for standing by her daughter. spin city from sources that are supposed to be fair and unbiased. NOT! I guess i like my news coverage right down the fairway with an occasional shot to cut the dog leg. really, though, opinions are what the sunday morning political shows (and my blog) are for.

I say "family first," not "country first" because to me it's the families that make up our country. I think Sarah Palin used her family as a pawn; She acted completely selfishly and irresponsibly toward her daughter, knowing the pregnancy would be a lightning rod for attention. so now bristol has been thrust into the public eye and labeled as a slut and whore by the dems, while the repubs are just glad it's not their daughter. And she's got a newborn with Down Syndrome - if she so embraces her role as a mother then WTF is she doing on the campaign trail? Am i sexist? I don't think so. There is a special bond between newborns and their mothers. I've seen it twice now with my own kids. Sure, they love me, but i've never served as a source of food for either of them. It's inbred for babies to be dependent upon their mothers. and my kids are the picture of health; i feel bad for poor trig palin.

It's also interesting to listen to women and their opinions of Sarah Palin. Some love her; others hate her. It's her hair, tone, accent, glasses, clothes ... oh, yeah ... and her politics. Feels like she's approaching the "celebrity" level the repubs claim Obama has. last time i checked, Obama didn't have a thong with his picture on it ...

It's the issues, stupid! The ISSUES.

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