Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Rest in peace, dear, sweet mojo

we said "good bye" to dear, sweet mojo, our 7yo rescued chihuahua. he had a recurrence of stones and we didn't want him to be in any pain. the last time was awful for everyone involved. 

it's been a sad day for the kaufs that was made a little better by the outpouring of support from friends and family. thank you all the texts, calls, notes. 

I'm happy for the time we had with mojo, and I want to focus on that instead of how sad it makes me that the house is too quiet without his "twinkle toes" on the hardwood floors. 

we came home from dinner tonight and as I walked in, I said "hey, mo" like I've seemingly always done. I can't wait until i stop doing that. but I hope it takes a while. 

when we first rescued him from an awful, abusive house on Father's Day nearly six years ago, he was so scared (and scarred, I'm sure), he wouldn't come near us. eventually, he came around and became a regular on the couch with all of the kaufs, or whatever house guests he chose to whore himself out to. :-). all you needed was a warm lap and he would "let you" pick him up and pet him while he sat on you.

he couldn't hear too well and was probably blind to a large degree. he had an awful bark - more like a high-pitched firehouse siren as it's getting revved up. his breath stunk and his teeth were awful. he had seizures a few times a year. 

but we all worked hard to play to mojo's strengths, and it was beginning to pay dividends for the whole family. things were looking up for the pup. he had lost a ton of weight (from 12+ to 8ish lbs. think about that as a percentage. it's a lot). he was spunky and spry. we would "roughhouse" (me just petting him vigorously) and run around the house.

after he walked away from the initial stone incident unscathed, I really thought he was going to be here for the long haul. wishful thinking. denial of the fact that I knew if the stones returned we'd have to put him down. regardless, I got to a place where i no longer regularly feared for his well being because of his precarious state of physical health. my heart is broken. 

the children had the chance to say "good bye" this morning before school. i think carson, our nearly 6yo son, is just a bit too young to grasp fully what exactly has happened. he's been great, however, for comic relief, and has developed quite a fascination with cremation. a little odd, but whatever. 

our 9yo daughter Lucia had grown so close to mojo in the past year. her older brother. the one, she said toinght, she could turn to when no one else understood. so naturally, she was devastated when she came home from school and asked "where's mojo?" the shrill of her crying will take a while to leave my head. such pain and sadness. i couldn't squeeze her hard enough. i couldnt make this go away. my heart broke all over again.

so we all vascillate between telling funny stories about mojo and bawling our eyes out over mojo. 

check out our boy:

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